- Services


We offer car services to get back on the road

At Tacoma tire & wheel we have the capacity to service all of your rim and tires needs. From Mounting and Balancing 13''-30'' Wheels, tire repair, wheel repairs, wheel powder coating, caliper painting and seasonal change overs.

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Why is our service better?

Because we believe a happy customer is our best advertising. It’s not rocket science; if you just work on hiring good solid people, if you’re friendly, honest and turn out quality work, everything else takes care of itself. At Tacoma Plus you’ll always be greeted by a clean, knowledgeable attendant ready to make your experience as pleasant as possible.


Tire replacement is important.
Check why

Consequat sit sapien semper aliquam maecenas est enim hac habitant porttitor mollis vivamus vel porttitor ad enim eget dictum iaculis sodales nullam lectus iaculis vivamus.

1Why is seasonal tire replacement so important?
Duis luctus et pede id erat dictum commodo, odio non felis. Morbi accumsan pede nec ultrices volutpat. Phasellus consequat.
2When should I replace my tires?
Curabitur vel sodales nulla. Ut molestie, neque. Nulla vitae arcu erat, fringilla augue a elit metus, ullamcorper augue, ullamcorper pede sed est.
3Why should I replace my tires with summer tires?
In malesuada arcu magna, gravida vitae, dictum eu, aliquet lorem. In id ultrices libero ornare risus.
4Why should I change to winter tires?
Morbi mattis magna. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et ultrices fringilla eget, ante. Suspendisse porttitor quis, lacinia id, justo.
5Donec fermentum ut, sapien?
Fusce consequat nunc. Nulla nec magna. In laoreet feugiat. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et lectus. Ut wisi nec diam magna in turpis egestas.

Contact us and visit our workshop


Monday - Friday
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM

07:00 AM - 08:00 PM

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